Full Student Insurance

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From: 186,50

Medical Insurance for Foreign Students in Spain


No co-payments, no deficiencies and repatriation to the country of origin.
IMPORTANT: There are several insurance companies in Spain where you can contract the medical insurance and you must verify that the medical insurance is for foreign students, since the insurances for people residing in Spain have a grace period and do not have repatriation to the country of origin and this can be a cause for the denial of the visa. In addition, the consulate may request the invoice for the total payment of the contracted period of medical insurance.

The insurance we offer meets the requirements and coverage, we deliver invoices and is refundable, for this last point some conditions apply.

We explain to you what is co-payment, deficiencies and repatriation.

What is Co-payment: It is a small amount of money you must pay for each health care service, such as doctor visits, lab tests and hospital stays. The insurance you take out must be NO CO-PAY.

Waiting period: This is the period in which you will still not be able to enjoy some of the coverage or services contracted. For example, a CAT scan in insurance for people residing in Spain, you are only allowed to do this test after 6 months of the insurance contract. That is why you should make sure that the medical insurance you take out must be for foreign students since insurance for residents has a lack of many services.

Repatriation: It is the coverage that every foreigner in Spain must have, in case of death, neither the insured nor his relatives incur in costs for the transfer of the body to his country of origin. You must make sure that the insurance you take out is for a foreign student, since the medical insurance for people residing in Spain has repatriation, but to Spain, that is, from abroad to Spain, and the medical insurance you need must have repatriation but from Spain to your country of origin.


  • Age between 18- 64 years and from 0 years for family members traveling with the student.
  • The insurance starts the first day of each month.
  • You can contract from a period of 3 months up to 12 months.


  • Fill out form on the web with student data.
  • Attach copy of passport
  • Attach a copy of the admission letter or enrollment form.
  • The payment is made directly on the website by credit card or bank transfer.
  • After receiving the payment, we will send you by e-mail some forms that you will have to sign.
  • The process takes 24 hours after receiving the signed forms.


  • – General Medicine and Hospitalization
  • – Surgical Interventions
  • – Specialized Medicine
  • – Transfer of patients
  • – 24 hour emergency service.



Dentist: You have dental assistance coverage for hygiene, check-ups and possible claims that may arise.

Travel Insurance: You have travel insurance coverage Europe, in case you decide to travel during your stay in Spain knowing the other countries of the European Union.

Services included in the Unlimited International insurance policy:

Primary medicine
General medicine, Nursing services, Emergencies.
Surgical interventions
Special techniques in treatments.
Coverage in psychotherapy sessions.
Specialized medicine.
Transfer of patients.
Nursing (D.U.E / A.T.S)
Prosthetics and implants.
24 hour emergency service
Family planning.
Diagnostic means.
Repatriation coverage.
Transfer to the country of origin in case of death.
Terms and conditions
It is a product without gaps, all services will be active from day one.


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